Supporting your healthcare studies

laptop with hands only typing

As part of our commitment to widening access to our healthcare and clinical courses, Swansea University in partnership with Health Education and Improvement Wales (HEIW) has committed to providing digital learning support to students who meet criteria set out by the Welsh Government. As such, we are pleased to be able to offer you the opportunity to apply for a laptop to help support your studies at Swansea University.

What help can I get?

Students studying one of our commissioned programmes (Healthcare Sciences, Nursing, Midwifery, Paramedic, Paramedic Science, Occupational Therapy and Operating Department Practice), who meet the criteria, will be able to apply for a laptop purchased through the University to support your studies. The laptop provided will be a HP Elitebook with 3 years warranty. 

Please email to see if you could qualify.

two students on a table talking, with one sitting next to an open laptop

For more information on the scheme, please email us on