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Dr Simon Kimber

Visitor (Law), Humanities and Social Sciences

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Available For Postgraduate Supervision

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Dr Simon Kimber is Senior Lecturer in Tourism and Marketing at the School of Management. Simon serves as Programme Director for MSc Strategic Marketing.

Simon Kimber holds a PhD in Hospitality and Tourism Management from the University of Surrey. His research interests include a strong interest in Critical tourism theory (performance and performativity) as well as tourist photography and Chinese independent travelers, backpacker tourism.

Simon has extensive experience of researching and working in Asia, in particular in China. Simon has just returned from spending the last three years working in Dalian in northeast China at the University of Surrey’s joint international campus, Surrey International Institute.

Areas Of Expertise

  • Critical tourism theory – Performance and Performativity
  • Tourist Photography and tourism performances
  • Chinese independent travellers and backpackers
  • Destination Marketing
  • Qualitative research methods

Career Highlights

Teaching Interests

Taught modules

MN-M054 Marketing Tourism Experiences

MN-M593 Digital Tourism

MN-2062 Visitor Experience Design and Management