What is Swansea University: LINC?

Swansea University has worked with thousands of private, public and voluntary sector organisations of all shapes and sized to drive economic growth, foster prosperity, enrich the local community and Welsh culture and, contribute to the health and wellbeing of our citizens.

Swansea University: LINC is a powerful support network that enables organisations to connect with each other, find out about funding and support, and access our resources and expertise to support organisational growth.

How can Swansea University: LINC help me? 

By working with Swansea University: LINC, organisations can:

In addition, members can access Swansea University’s powerful support network, and find out about the wide range of funding and support that is available to organisations across Wales. 

colleagues chatting at an event

Swansea University was founded by Industry, for Industry, on the simple principle that "Technical skill is Bereft without Culture". Taken from one of the earliest collections of medieval Welsh literature, it is as relevant today as it was a thousand years ago. 

By becoming a member, you will receive regular updates on current research and development opportunities, events, funding announcements and more. 

Keep up with the conversation by using our LINC Network Platform

We have introduced our new interactive platform, designed to create a collaborative space to allow:

screenshot of webpage
  • An easier way to communicate with our University academics, research and support staff,
  • A channel created to help you discover our current collaborations and research partners, and find ways of how we can work with you,
  • A connected environment to share event announcements and opportunities,
  • A transparent directory of individuals from the University, our current collaborators, PhD students, researchers and academic staff,
  • Access to training and information on development opportunities. 


Our LINC platform is free to use with new users signing up everyday, sign up here. 

Keeping you in the know