Get a taste of university life at our Summer School

Our Summer School is now full. Please see our other undergraduate events here. 

Swansea University's Faculty of Medicine, Health and Life Science invites you to take part in our Summer School and Residential this summer, 14th-17th July 2024.

Designed for Year 12 students (16 or 17 years old), our Summer School will give you a taster of studying at the University, it is perfect if you have an interest in studying Medicine, Healthcare or Psychology.

The 3 day residential summer school (priced at £150 per person) will consist of talks and tours, giving you all of the information you need about Swansea University Medical School, School of Health and Social Care and our School of Psychology.


What to expect from our Summer School

Throughout the summer school you will experience a wide range of activities such as lectures, workshops, laboratory sessions, simulation teaching, along with fun and  informative sessions, which will be run by our academics, researchers and current students.


Each 3-day Residential Summer School costs £150 per person. This price includes accommodation, all activities and all meals throughout the stay.

Financial assistance may be available. Please email for eligibility criteria.

The summer school will give you an opportunity to:

  • Stand out from your peers as it will strengthen your personal statement and UCAS application
  • Enhance your knowledge and skills
  • Gain experience by attending workshops led by world-leading academics
  • Gain insight from current students and recent applicants
  • Get a real taste of what university life is like
  • Help you develop those all-important transferable skills that will be crucial in your future career