Holmes, S. & Callaway, R.(2021). Fouling communities and non-native species within five ports along the Bristol Channel, South Wales, UK. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 252, 107295
Holmes, S. & Callaway, R.(2020). Design and implementation of two surveys targeted at describing fouling communities and identifying non-native species within active ports. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 100(8), 1191-1204.
Stone, R., Callaway, R., & Bull, J. (2019). Are biodiversity offsetting targets of ecological equivalence feasible for biogenic reef habitats?. Ocean & Coastal Management, 177, 97-111.
Ware, J. & Callaway, R.(2019). Public perception of coastal habitat loss and habitat creation using artificial floating islands in the UK. PLOS ONE, 14(10), e0224424
Callaway, R., Fairley, I., & Horrillo-Caraballo, J. (2020). Natural dynamics overshadow anthropogenic impact on marine fauna at an urbanised coastal embayment. Science of The Total Environment, 716, 137009
Domy, C., Stone, B., Callaway, R., & Bull, J. (2023). Northward range expansions are not the full story: A case study of Sabellaria alveolata in Great Britain. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 294, 108543
Callaway, R. (2022). 50 years of estuarine cockles (Cerastoderma edule L.): Shifting cohorts, dwindling sizes and the impact of improved wastewater treatment. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 270, 107834
Holmes, S. & Callaway, R.(2021). Fouling communities and non-native species within five ports along the Bristol Channel, South Wales, UK. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 252, 107295
Holmes, S. & Callaway, R.(2020). Design and implementation of two surveys targeted at describing fouling communities and identifying non-native species within active ports. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 100(8), 1191-1204.
Callaway, R., Fairley, I., & Horrillo-Caraballo, J. (2020). Natural dynamics overshadow anthropogenic impact on marine fauna at an urbanised coastal embayment. Science of The Total Environment, 716, 137009
Ware, J. & Callaway, R.(2019). Public perception of coastal habitat loss and habitat creation using artificial floating islands in the UK. PLOS ONE, 14(10), e0224424
Stone, R., Callaway, R., & Bull, J. (2019). Are biodiversity offsetting targets of ecological equivalence feasible for biogenic reef habitats?. Ocean & Coastal Management, 177, 97-111.
Callaway, R. (2018). Interstitial Space and Trapped Sediment Drive Benthic Communities in Artificial Shell and Rock Reefs. Frontiers in Marine Science, 5
Callaway, R. (2016). Historical Data Reveal 30-Year Persistence of Benthic Fauna Associations in Heaviy Modified Waterbody. Frontiers in Marine Science, 3
Grenfell, S., Callaway, R., Grenfell, M., Bertelli, C., Mendzil, A., Tew, I., Callaway, R., Bertelli, C., & Mendzil, A. (2016). Will a rising sea sink some estuarine wetland ecosystems?. Science of The Total Environment, 554-555, 276-292.
Callaway, R., Grenfell, S., Bertelli, C., Mendzil, A., & Moore, J. (2014). Size, distribution and sediment biodeposition of prolific bivalves in small estuaries. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science
Callaway, R., Grenfell, S., & Lønborg, C. (2014). Small estuaries: Ecology, environmental drivers and management challenges. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science
Callaway, R., Burdon, D., Deasey, A., Mazik, K., Elliott, M., & Frid, C. (2013). The riddle of the sands: how population dynamics explains causes of high bivalve mortality. Journal of Applied Ecology-n/a.
Callaway, R., Shinn, A., Grenfell, S., Bron, J., Burnell, G., Cook, E., Crumlish, M., Culloty, S., Davidson, K., Ellis, R., Flynn, K., Fox, C., Green, D., Hays, G., Hughes, A., Johnston, E., Lowe, C., Lupatsch, I., Malham, S...., & Shields, R. (2012). Review of climate change impacts on marine aquaculture in the UK and Ireland. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 22(3), 389-421.
Callaway, R., Desroy, N., Dubois, S., Fournier, J., Frost, M., Godet, L., Hendrick, V., Rabaut, M., & Callaway, R. (2010). Ephemeral Bio-engineers or Reef-building Polychaetes: How Stable are Aggregations of the Tube Worm Lanice conchilega (Pallas, 1766)?. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 50(2), 237-250.
Robinson, L., Greenstreet, S., Reiss, H., Callaway, R., Craeymeersch, J., Boois, I., Degraer, S., Ehrich, S., Fraser, H., Goffin, A., Kröncke, I., Jorgenson, L., Robertson, M., Lancaster, J., & Callaway, R. (2010). Length–weight relationships of 216 North Sea benthic invertebrates and fish. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 90(01), 95
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Porter, J., Ellis, J., Hayward, P., Rogers, S., Callaway, R., & Callaway, R. (2002). Geographic variation in the abundance and morphology of the bryozoan Alcyonidium diaphanum (Ctenostomata: Alcyonidiidae) in UK coastal waters. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK, 82(4), 529-535.
Callaway, R., Jennings, S., Lancaster, J., & Cotter, J. (2002). Mesh-size matters in epibenthic surveys. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the UK, 82(1), 1-8.
Zühlke, R., Alvsvåg, J., Boois, I., Cotter, J., Ehrich, S., Ford, A., Hinz, H., Jarre-Teichmann, A., Jennings, S., Kröncke, I., Lancaster, J., Piet, G., Prince, P., & Callaway, R. (2001). Epibenthic diversity in the North Sea. Senckenbergiana maritima, 31(2), 269-281.
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Borja, A., Elliott, M., Uyarra, M., Carstensen, J., Mea, M., & Callaway, R. (2017). Bridging the Gap Between Policy and Science in Assessing the Health Status of Marine Ecosystems, 2nd Edition Frontiers Media.
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Callaway, R., Bertelli, C., Unsworth, R., Lock, G., Carter, T., Friis-Madsen, E., Soerensen, H., & Neumann, F. (2017). Wave and Tidal Range Energy Devices Offer Environmental Opportunities as Artificial Reefs. In Proceedings of the 12th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference 27th Aug -1st Sept 2017, Cork, Ireland (pp. 917-1-917-9). European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC) 2017.
Williams, H., Masters, I., Pletsas, D., Fuentes Grunewald, C., Callaway, R., Blanch, M., & Dalton, G. (2017). A risk assessment methodology for combining marine renewables with other blue economy activities via multi-use of spaces and platforms. In Proceedings of the 12th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference 27th Aug -1st Sept 2017, Cork, Ireland (pp. 817- 1-817-9). European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC) 2017.
Elliott, M., Burdon, D., Callaway, R., Franco, A., Hutchinson, T., Longshaw, M., Malham, S., Mazik, K., Otto, Z., Palmer, D., Firmin, C., Smith, T., & Wither, A. (2012). Burry Inlet Cockle Mortalities Investigation 2009-2011