Privacy notice: Attending an Event, Use of Testimonials, Photographs and Videos

Swansea University is the data controller and is committed to protecting the rights of individuals in line with the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) and the Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018). Swansea University has a Data Protection Officer who can be contacted through

This statement explains how the University handles and uses your personal information when you attend an event organised by Swansea University.

What information do we collect about you?

The information that we may collect at events will be specific to individuals and may include:-

  • Name, date of birth, student number, staff number
  • Contact details including address, phone number, email, social media handles
  • Study details including subject, period of study
  • Career details, including current and previous employers, job title and role
  • Membership of Swansea University societies
  • Information about an individual’s engagement with the university such as visiting events, attendance at workshops, collaborative activity and research, etc
  • Photographs/Filming
  • Information concerning your health and medical conditions (e.g. disability and dietary needs)
  • Records of communications sent to you by the University or that we receive from you in relation to an event you will attend/have attended.


Why do we collect personal information and how do we use it?

The University will use your information: -

  • To provide you with information about the event(s) for which you have registered, that includes event updates, and possible changes, cancellation or similar information;
  • to ask you for feedback about the event because it is in our legitimate interest to measure satisfaction as part of our commitment to continuous improvement;
  • to provide you with information about accessibility, transportation, parking, etc. that may impact on your attendance to the event;
  • to fulfil and monitor our legal responsibilities, for example, under public safety legislation;
  • to communicate with you about other events, news, and opportunities at Swansea University in accordance with your preferences;
  • to take photographs and videos of the event where it is in the University’s legitimate interest to do so or where specific consent has been obtained, providing methods of opt out or withdrawal of consent for those who do not wish to be included or wish to withdraw their consent.


What is our legal basis for processing?

The lawful basis we rely on for collecting your contact information for the purposes of facilitating the event is Legitimate Interests under article 6(1)(f).  Processing may also be necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the University in the use of photography and videos at our events where it is in the interests of the University to photograph and record events for promotional purposes. Such processing will only be carried out when a legitimate interest’s assessment has been carried out to ensure your personal data is used appropriately and in ways you would reasonably expect and which have a minimal privacy impact, or where there is a compelling justification for the processing.

The University may also rely upon Consent under article 6(1)(a) to process your information. Whenever you give your consent for the processing of your personal data, you receive the right to withdraw that consent at any time by contacting the Event Organiser or

The University may also rely upon Explicit Consent under article 9(2)(a) for example where you have provided special category data for example dietary requirements, allergies or where you inform us of accessibility requirements.

Who receives your personal information?

Your personal information will be stored on our secure electronic systems and databases and will be shared with relevant colleagues within the university to provide you services and guidance. Personal information is protected by the University and will not be disclosed to third parties without consent except when necessary as part of our contractual obligations e.g. to partners of the project supporting your interaction with us or where the University engages a third party data processor under contract to assist with the event management and administration.

How your personal information is stored.

Data Protection legislation requires us to keep your information secure. This means that your confidentiality will be respected, and all appropriate measures will be taken to prevent unauthorised access and disclosure. Only members of staff who need access to relevant parts or all of your information will be authorised to do so. Information about you in electronic form will be subject to password and other security restrictions, saved on university secure networks, while paper files will be stored in secure areas with controlled access.

Wherever possible, your personal data will be processed within the UK. In some circumstances, it might be necessary to transfer your personal data outside of the UK – for example where we use third party supplier to process data on our behalf. In the event of an international transfer of data, appropriate safeguards will be implemented and processing will be based on documented instructions of Swansea University.

How long will your information be held?

Your personal data may be held for the duration of your engagement with Swansea University and for a reasonable period of time upon its conclusion. The University may choose to hold on to photographs for longer for archive and research purposes – any information held for these purposes will be held in line with the GDPR Article 89 safeguards.

What are your rights?

You have a right to access your personal information, to object to the processing of your personal information, to rectify, to erase, to restrict and to port your personal information. Please visit the Swansea University Data Protection webpages for further information in relation to your rights. Any requests or objections should be made in writing to the University Data Protection Officer:

Digital Services 
7th Floor Faraday Tower
Swansea University
Singleton Park


If you are unhappy with the way in which your personal information has been processed, you may in the first instance contact the University Data Protection Officer using the contact details above. If you remain dissatisfied, then you have the right to apply directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. The Information Commissioner can be contacted at: Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF 

Your responsibilities

Please advise of any changes to your name, address, contact details, etc as soon as practically possible so that we can amend our records accordingly.

Changes to our Privacy Policy

Any changes we make to our privacy policy in the future will be posted on this page and where appropriate, notified to you by email. Please check back frequently to see any updates or changes to our privacy policy.