HESA Notices
HESA Student and Staff Data Collection Notices
It is a legal requirement that some information held by the University about our students and staff will be sent to the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) annually. A record is added to a database which is passed to central government departments and agencies and devolved administrations which require it to enable them to carry out their statutory functions under the Education Acts. It is also used for statistical analysis by HESA and the above bodies, resulting in publication and release of data to other approved non-statutory users. These may include academic researchers and unions.
For further information on how personal information is processed by HESA, please click on the following link - www.hesa.ac.uk/fpn.
You have a right to to access your personal information, to object to the processing of your personal information, to rectify, to erase, to restrict and to port your personal information. For further information about data protection and your HESA information please see www.hesa.ac.uk/dataprot or email data.protection@hesa.ac.uk.
If you have any concerns about, or objections to, the use of data for these purposes, please contact HESA at www.hesa.ac.uk or by writing to 18 Royal Crescent, Cheltenham, GL50 3DA.