Welcome to the Academic Writing section

The majority of university assignments still require you to write – and with good reason. Writing is not just how we demonstrate our understanding of a topic – in many cases it is how we learn. The ability to start with a blank page and order your ideas into something that is coherent, engaging and insightful is one of the most important skills to develop at university.

different pages of an essay

Essay structure

A well-structured essay is important as it enhances readability, ensures logical flow, and effectively communicates the main ideas. When your essay is clearly organised it helps the reader understand and retain the essay's key points.

Find order to the chaos here
Magnifying glass highlighting an essay icon

Why read your writing?

Proofreading is essential to catch errors, improve clarity, and ensure accuracy. It refines your writing, enhances credibility, and ensures your message is conveyed effectively and professionally.

Edit or regret it
sign post


Directing your reader through your writing ensures clarity and engagement. Guiding them with transitions and signposts helps them follow your arguments, making your message more persuasive and your essay more cohesive.

Find your way
Vocabulary icon


Vocabulary is vital in essay writing as it allows for precise and varied expression of ideas, enhances clarity, and engages the reader. A rich vocabulary can convey complex concepts and create a more compelling argument.

Spice it up
Grammar and Punctuation

Grammar and Punctuation

Proper grammar and punctuation in essay writing are essential for clarity, and professionalism. They ensure the intended message is conveyed accurately, prevent misunderstandings, and enhance overall readability.

Comma long for the ride
Academic Integrity icon

Academic Integrity

Academic integrity at university fosters trust, upholds fairness, and cultivates a culture of learning. It ensures ethical conduct, respects others' work, and maintains the integrity of scholarly pursuits, essential for personal growth and intellectual advancement.

Honesty is the best policy
Writing Persuasively icon

Writing Persuasively

Writing persuasively is vital for influencing opinions, inspiring action, and driving change. It empowers effective communication, fosters critical thinking, and enables individuals to advocate for their beliefs with conviction.

Pen your power!
Word Count icon

Word Count

Adhering to an essay word count ensures conciseness, maintains focus, and demonstrates discipline. It respects guidelines, values reader's time, and hones writing skills in conveying ideas succinctly.

Word counts count!