
Directing your reader through your writing ensures clarity and engagement. Guiding them with transitions and signposts helps them follow your arguments, making your message more persuasive and your essay more cohesive.

Structure your Argument

Building a logical and sound argument is dependent on your ability to read, write, and think critically. In an academic environment, being critical means focusing on the question you are answering, making claims or reaching conclusions that directly relate to the question, and ensuring that everything you include in your assignment makes a contribution to proving those claims and conclusions.

Tips and Tricks for Structuring your Argument
A man angrily slamming his fist on a table

First impressions count

First impressions are important. We all know this is true when we are meeting someone, but it’s also true when we’re reading.

First impressions count
Two people shaking hands

Helping your reader

Whatever your worthy personal motivations are for writing your essay, in reality there is only one person you are writing your essay for, and you need to keep this person in mind at all times.

Helping your reader
Lots of opens books in a pile

The prediction principle

One of our most effective survival mechanisms as humans is our ability to predict. We’re doing it all the time, making a series of presumptions about what a particular situation is going to be like before we step into it.

The Prediction Principle
A baseball match