Word count

Adhering to an essay word count ensures conciseness, maintains focus, and demonstrates discipline. It respects guidelines, values reader's time, and hones writing skills in conveying ideas succinctly.

Reducing Your Word Count!

If you are like many other students, your first thought upon receiving a new essay title is something along the lines of ‘How on earth am I going to write 2,500 words about that!?’ But once you get going, it turns out you have the very opposite problem – you just can’t fit in everything you need to say!

Reducing Your Word Count!
A computer screen showing words on a word document

Working out what to cut

Remember that word counts are given from a reason; they are a guideline for the depth and scope you are expected to meet in an assignment. However, self-editing is also a great opportunity to tighten up your argument and strengthen your work as a whole.

Working out what to cut
A person getting a haircut