
Revision is vital as it reinforces learning, clarifies understanding, and improves retention. It ensures thorough preparation for exams, leading to better academic performance and confidence in subject matter.

Productive Revision

With exams approaching, revision is paramount. But when it comes to revising, you need to aim for quality, not quantity: revising effectively, rather than revising excessively. Rather than moving into the library for the next few weeks and revising for 10 hours a day, it is important to set yourself realistic revision goals, while also having time for yourself.

Productive Revision
A student revising

Annual cram-a-thon

The great migration of the Serengeti, snowdrops emerging from the frosty soil and the bray of a newborn lamb are some of the yearly delights to which the lucky among us may bear witness. While walking through the library yesterday, I was fortunate enough to have been present to the annual last minute cram-a-thon: groups of students huddling around tables, frantically trying to absorb as much information as possible before rushing into an exam hall and having a ‘mind dump’ on their exam booklets.

Is this the best way to spend to spend the hour immediately before an exam?

The Annual cram-a-thon
Several students finding books in the Swansea University library

Six tips for exam success

Looking at an exam time-table isn’t everyone’s idea of a great start to the New Year, but follow these exam tips and give yourself the best chance of success this January.

Six Tips for Exam Success
An A+ marked assignment