Study Goals

Setting academic goals is essential as it provides direction, boosts motivation, and enhances focus. Clear goals help prioritize tasks, track progress, and achieve better academic outcomes efficiently.

Does a natural student exist?

Does the naturally perfect student exist or is it something we can all learn?

As educators we often hear comments like “I can’t write” or “I’m bad at maths” which suggest that we are born being either good or bad at writing or maths.  Indeed, much of the way we praise children in the classroom supports this notion.  We praise results rather than practice.  Studies show however, that we should really focus more on practice and less on results.

Is There such Thing as a Natural Student
A group of students studying at a table

Setting goals this year

Everyone from professional athletes to top businessmen and women set goals in their careers. It focuses their energy, allows them to measure their progress and helps them become more productive. All of which are really useful things for students too. 

Setting Goals this academic year
An archer aiming at a target

Keeping academic resolutions

Now, the problem with new year’s resolutions is that they are so easy to break. Many people write down a long list of impossible goals, things like ‘Cut out all sugar and caffine’ or ‘Exercise every day for an hour’. By February they are more than likely tucking into a Latte and a muffin in Costbucks and feeling guilty about paying for an unused gym membership.

So how can we avoid that all too familiar scenario?

Keep Your New (Academic) Year’s Resolutions