Peer assisted study sessions (PASS)

PASS is a scheme to support level 4 students to understand module input and develop good learning strategies. The principal aims are to:

  • Improve learning
  • Improve student performance
  • Support student retention
  • Create a bridge between: secondary and tertiary education; and undergraduate and postgraduate levels
  • Improve students’ study strategies
  • Encourage a student centred approach to learning
  • Create networks of study partners
  • Provide professional development and HEAR accreditation for PASS Leaders, enhancing employability
student driven peer study sessions student leaders as role models work through course material develop good learning strategies enhance growth mindset

How it works

The aim is to establish facilitated study sessions alongside targeted modules. PASS Student Leaders are assigned a Supervisor and receive comprehensive training and ongoing support from the Centre for Academic Success (CAS). The Student Leaders work closely with their PASS Supervisor. The trained Student Leaders facilitate peer-to-peer study groups, but do not replace teaching or act as teaching assistants.