How much does accommodation cost?

two female students sat on a bench outside Tafarn Tawe 

Understanding Accommodation Fees

Accommodation fees vary depending on the type of room you choose, offering options to suit different preferences and budgets.

Fees are calculated based on:

  • Room size: Larger rooms typically cost an additional £5–£6 per week.
  • Bathroom facilities: Shared or en-suite options.
  • Catering options: Self-catered or pre-paid dining packages.

Your fees are all-inclusive, covering:

  • Utilities (e.g. water, electricity, and heating)
  • Internet access
  • Room insurance

Explore our wide variety of accommodation options to find the perfect fit for your needs.


Limited time offer for new students

Enjoy a more affordable campus experience with our special reduced rates for medium en-suite rooms at Bay Campus, saving you just over £25 per week. With limited availability at this rate, be sure to act fast!

If you’ve already applied for accommodation, you can easily amend your application to include this option without affecting your original application date.

Apply today to secure your room


Accommodation Fees 2025/2026

Bay Campus

It doesn't matter whether you're studying on the Bay Campus or not—you can still apply!

LocationNo. of RoomsRoom TypeContract Length (Weeks) Weekly Cost Total Cost
Nest 16 Shared Twin Ensuite Room 44 £135.00 £5,940.00
ROD JONES - Clun, Cynffig & Tawe 303 Medium Ensuite 44 £144.00 £6,336.00
Weble 32 1 Room in 2 Bed Flat 51 £150.00 £7,650.00
ROD JONES - Dulais 108 Premium Ensuite 44 £160.00 £7,040.00
All Other Blocks 340 Medium Ensuite **SP  44 £150.75 £6,633.00
  578 Medium Ensuite 44 £176.00 £7,744.00
  100 Medium Ensuite (Postgraduate) 51 £176.00 £8,976.00
  331 Premium Ensuite 44 £183.00 £8,052.00
  600 Medium Ensuite 40 £189.00 £7,560.00
Weble, Ewlo, Gruffyd & Dryslwn 23 1 Bed Flat 44 & 51 £210.00 £9,240.00

Read more about Bay Campus here

**SP - Special rate available for the first 340 rooms at £150.75. Limited-time offer for new students only

Beck House Singleton Park Campus true student

Accommodation Fees 2024/2025

Bay Campus

Room Type
Per Person Per Week:
42/51 Weeks
Total Amount: 42 Weeks
Medium En-suite £180.00
Reduced to £140.00^
Premium En-suite £185.00
Reduced to £155.00^
Twin En-suite £139.00 per person £5,838.00 per person
1 Bed Flat £225.00 £9,450.00
1 Room in 2 Bed £165.00 per person £6,930.00 per person
Rod Jones at Bay Campus:  Medium En-suite *  £140.00 £5880.00
Rod Jones at Bay Campus: Premium En-suite * £155.00 £6510.00

*Limited number of rooms available
^ Available to new students only

Beck House Singleton Park Campus Seren true student

How to Pay