Support available
Moving somewhere new is exciting, but it can also be a little daunting as you find your bearings, so be assured that there is a full support network for students living in University accommodation. Our dedicated team are here to support you.
If you require any further support, please don’t hesitate to contact the Accommodation Team.
Money@CampusLife provides advice and guidance on all student money-related issues. For many students, starting university will be the first time they will have managed their own finances. Meeting this challenge successfully will help ensure students achieve their maximum potential whilst studying and will contribute to a positive student experience.
We assist Money@CampusLife in supporting students who come from a care background and work closely to ensure that the required support with regards to their accommodation needs is met, such as year-round accommodation.
We can also offer, where possible, a full choice from Residential Services' extensive range of room categories such as good value accommodation or a convenient location, whatever is the most suitable accommodation for their individual requirements.
International@CampusLife provides information and advice on non-academic matters, including immigration advice and services, to all international (non-UK) students and their dependents.
Welfare@CampusLife provides advice and guidance to students on a range of welfare issues including homesickness, culture shock, bereavement, bullying, harassment, relationship breakdowns and much more. Everyone has a different student experience when they start University. Be assured that we are just as concerned about students' welfare as we are about their academic studies and performance.
The Wellbeing team can help students experiencing difficulties and needing support. They can help you access the correct services to support you and your wellbeing when you need it most.
If you have a disability, medical condition or specific learning difficulty, contact the Disability team to find out more about the support that is available to ensure you have the same opportunities as everyone else. Learn more about the accommodation options and adaptations available for students with disabilities.