Corporate Matched Giving

By giving through a company matched-giving scheme, you could double the value of your donation to Swansea. Contact your employer to find out if they support matched-giving.

Donations made through a matched-giving scheme are “topped up” by the donor’s employer—sometimes pound-for-pound—increasing the amount that the donor’s chosen charity receives.

The details of how matched-giving schemes work vary from one company to another. Some schemes top-up donations by a percentage of the original gift. Other schemes offer to match gifts up to a certain amount. 

Contact us to find out more

If you have any questions about matched giving please contact

Gift Aid

With Gift Aid, every pound you donate is worth an extra 25p to Swansea University, at no extra cost to you.

Gift Aid is a government scheme that allows charities like Swansea to claim back the basic rate tax that donors have already paid on the money they donate. By claiming Gift Aid, for every pound that you donate, we receive an extra 25p. 

It’s a great way to make your gift go further – and only takes a minute to set up.

The scheme only covers UK tax-payers. If you’re based outside the UK, please read our guidance on donating from overseas

To claim gift aid on your donation, we need your permission

There are three ways to give us permission to claim Gift Aid on your donation:

  1. Sign the Gift Aid declaration on the donation form when you make a donation
  2. Call 01792 604626 to give permission over the phone

Gift aid also applies to donations from pensioners and higher-rate taxpayers

If you’re a pensioner and you pay tax on the income from your pension, we can still claim Gift Aid on your donation, provided that you have paid tax on income of at least the amount you want to give. The amount of tax you pay may have been reduced following the introduction of new dividend and personal savings allowances in April 2016. If you believe that you do not pay enough tax to cover the Gift Aid claimable on all your donations, please contact us to cancel your Gift Aid declaration.

Visit the HMRC website to find out how much tax you need to pay to qualify for gift aid

If you pay Income Tax at the higher or additional rate, we are still able to claim Gift Aid on your donation at the basic tax rate. However, if you want to receive the additional tax relief due to you, you must include all your Gift Aid donations on your Self-Assessment tax return or ask HM Revenue and Customs to adjust your tax code.

Visit the HMRC website to find out more about Gift Aid arrangements for higher rate tax payers

If your details change, please get in touch!

Please contact us if you wish to change your name or home address, cancel your Gift Aid declaration or if you no longer pay enough tax to cover Gift Aid claimable on your donations.

Contact us by email.

Tax Efficient Giving

A few small changes to your will could reduce the amount of inheritance that needs to be paid on your estate, and help build a lasting legacy for the next 100 years. 

Inheritance tax may become due on your estate if it is worth over £325,000 when you die. By making simple provisions in your will, the amount of inheritance tax payable can be significantly reduced:

  • Swansea University holds charitable status for all UK tax purposes which means that bequests made to the University are wholly exempt from UK inheritance tax.
  • Additionally, individuals who include charitable legacies in their Will of at least 10% of their net taxable estate will benefit from a 36% rate of Inheritance Tax (IHT), a 10% reduction from the usual IHT rate of 40%. The net value of your estate is the sum of all the assets after deducting any debts, liabilities, reliefs, exemptions and the nil-rate band.

As with all tax planning, it is important to look at your own circumstances and seek advice as to how these changes will impact on your estate. You should consult a solicitor or financial professional to discuss structuring your will to reduce the tax burden on your estate.

For more information about making a gift in your Will, please contact