Profile Picture - Hamzah Bhatti

Hamzah Bhatti

Job title: Research and Engagement Assistant

My role: My career has spanned more than 8 years of experience in implementing donor-based programs with expertise in the development sector. My goal as an Research and Engagement Assistant is to help Swansea University to create meaningful and measurable impact, and to build relationships with stakeholders to ensure that their mission and goals are achieved.

Bio: A professional with a sound academic background and extensive experience in the field of agriculture and international development I bring a wealth of expertise in organising and managing relationships by facilitating private sector engagement and collaborations. I hold a Double master’s degree under a scholarship of Erasmus Mundus led by consortium of Wageningen University, The Netherlands, Aarhus University, Denmark and University of Debrecen, Hungary.


Profile Picture - Bethan Payne

Bethan Payne

Job title: Marketing and Communications Assistant

My role: I work between two Swansea University projects: Natural Products BioHUB and Applied Research for Circular Solution (ARCS). My roles include content creation, brand management and community engagement through various social media channels, with a focus on marketing events, updates, research projects and successes within the Natural Products BioHUB and ARCS projects.

Bio: After completing my undergraduate degree at Portsmouth University in English Literature and American Studies, I went on to study a masters in Marketing at Cardiff University. I've previously worked for non-profit organisation GlobalWelsh, focussing on social media, community engagement and business support. If you're interested in knowing a little more about either project or would like to work with us on an event please get in touch!


Profile Picture - Waidi Abdul

Waidi Abdul

Job title: Project Officer

My role: I am responsible for identifying funding opportunities and collaborating with academics and partners to develop proposals, as well as maintaining a directory of key stakeholders in academia, industry, public bodies, and community groups. I facilitate the formation of consortia among stakeholders to capitalise on relevant funding opportunities and support the delivery of the NP BioHUB Project. Additionally, I ensure the application and maintenance of ORETO status for the NP BioHUB.

Bio:  I am Nigerian. I grew up in the Southwest region and had my BSc, MSc and PhD degrees at the Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, Nigeria. My specialisations are: Aquatic Ecology & Modelling, Ecosystem Restoration, Aquaculture, Fish Population Dynamics, Algae Production & Management, and Resource Conservation. I have lectured and published widely.

Kindly get in touch if you are looking to collaborate with NP BioHUB to build a resilient and greener environment.  


Profile Picture - Qianyi Zhang

Qianyi Zhang

Job title: Research Assistant

My role: Support research projects associated with Natural Products BioHub connecting industry, academia, and the community.

Bio: I am a research assistant for Natural Products BioHUB with extensive experience in delivering technical support for research and commercial projects, including micro- and macro-algae research and medical research. I hold a Bachelor of Science degree in molecular cell biology and a Master of Research in computational biology at the University of York. I worked at the Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS) as an algal support scientist and a researcher at Aeirtec Ltd. and University of Göttingen Medical School on asthma before joining NP BioHUB at Swansea University in 2024. I hope to support natural products research and make a positive impact on environmental sustainability, even just a little.
