Access purpose-built, state-of-the art facilities, equipment & on-site training and technical support that can help you gain a competitive edge and enhance your innovation capabilities, whilst reducing your expenditure on in-house Research & Development.

In addition, you can access a large cultural and arts resource, including archives, libraries, museums and exhibition spaces. Through working with Swansea University, your organisation can:

  • Access our R&D training & technical support
  • Utilise our laboratory & office space
  • Develop & test products & processes


side shot of conference in auditorium

Discover the range of facilities available

AIM (Advances Imaging of Materials) Lab


The AIM Facility is a set of core labs for the Faculty of Science and Engineering which enables a wide range of optical, electron and X-Ray techniques in imaging and analysis: Optical Microscopy,  SEM, TEM, STEM, with EDS, WDS, EBSD and EELS, FIB, XRD, XPS, X-Ray CT and X-Ray Microscopy, XRF and Nanoindentation as well as a number of in-situ testing capabilities within some of these techniques.


The Facility supports industrial requests regularly as well as being a core facility for internal and external university teaching and research.


ASTUTE Centre of Excellence

The ASTUTE Centre of Excellence at Swansea University drives innovation in manufacturing by partnering with businesses to enhance productivity and sustainability. Since 2010, ASTUTE has supported R&D in advanced materials, computational modelling, and manufacturing systems. Currently funded by Innovate UK and the A4I programme:, it connects companies with Swansea University leading expertise.

AWEN Institute

Bringing together leading researchers with older people and the creative industries to co-produce products, services and environments for an increasing older population.

Centre for Integrative Semiconductor Materials (CISM)

Providing a range of services from blue-sky research to applied R&TD, prototyping and process development, specialist services, incubation, engagement, training and access to the UK and EU innovation grants portfolio.

Centre for Sustainable Aquatic Research (CSAR)

Equipped with modern, fully programmable recirculating aquaculture systems, CSAR carries out applied research on a diverse range of aquatic organisms, from temperate to tropical and marine to freshwater environments

Clinical Imaging Suite

A joint venture between Swansea University and Swansea Bay University Health Board. The principles behind the development are medical research and education with improved health gain for the population. The CIF primary role is as a centre for facilitating clinical research, the three main strands of which are pharmaceutical based clinical research in oncology, clinical application of MRI and the development of imaging based clinical pathways.

Egypt Centre

A museum centred on our Singleton Campus dedicated to the Preservation of the Collection and Collection Management of ancient Egyptian antiquities, with learning and teaching facilities integrated as part of the centre's core functions for delivering research and participation functions to children and people of all ages and abilities. 

Health and Wellbeing Academy

Offering a range of affordable and flexible services to support the community of South West Wales. Their services complement those provided by the NHS and allow people to make informed and positive lifestyle choices to improve their health and wellbeing, services include: osteopathy, audiology and cardiology.

ILS Affiliation and Tenancies

Be a member of a vibrant network of like-minded life science businesses with or without renting a dedicated office suite.

ILS laboratories

Joint Clinical Research Facility (JCRF)

With expertise in multi-centre phase II – III studies JCRF have a robust portfolio addressing many of the current health challenges – some assessing new medicines and others new devices. Their studies span across diabetes, heart disease, multiple sclerosis and many other medical conditions.

Richard Burton Archives

The corporate memory and archive repository of Swansea University and holds material of local, regional and national significance. The Archives selects, preserves and makes accessible to all the records of historical value created or acquired by the University. 

Steel and Materials Institute (SaMI)

An open access facility that works predominantly with the steel and metals industry to deliver practical innovative solutions.

Swansea Materials Research and Testing (SMaRT)

A UK based, UKAS accredited, mechanical testing laboratory, which focuses on the measurement of material properties and determining performance of metallic materials/components as well as ceramic matrix composites (CMCs). SMaRT works alongside ISM who provide academic interpretation of mechanical test data and collaborative research projects. 

Swansea Trials Unit

Offering methodological advice and support to clinical teams, both in designing new trials and in applying for grants. Working within trial teams to develop, initiate, conduct, manage, analyse and report funded studies.

Swansea University Simulation (SUSiM)

SUSiM utilises a variety of simulation-based education methodologies to support learners and teams to immerse, reflect and develop through real world scenarios within a one programme multiple sites philosophy.

Taliesin Arts Centre

Enriching the cultural lives of individuals and communities across the region,  presenting arts experiences for audiences in our spaces and on the streets of Swansea.

How can I book equipment and spaces?

Get in touch with our research centres by contacting them directly through their websites which appear in the facilities information above. Alternatively, contact our Impact and Engagement Officers who are on-hand to help you with any enquiry: 

  • Tomos Watson, Science Impact & Engagement Officer (Faculty of Science and Engineering)
  • Kate Spiller, Impact & Engagement Officer (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences)
  • Raha Rahbari, Impact & Engagement Officer (Faculty of Medicine, Health and Life Sciences
image inside the richard burton archives