Guidance for managers and other employees that work with Muslims who may be fasting during the month of Ramadan

Ramadan guidance for managers (English)

Prayer Spaces on Campus

Singleton Campus

Singleton Mosque - Male prayer room & Female prayer room. 

Located on the east side of the Library and Information Centre, Building 6. The door should always be open, however if it is closed you may require an access code. Please email to obtain the code.

Click HERE for directions to the Mosque

Click HERE to view the male prayer room. Click HERE to view the female prayer room.

 Singleton Mosque - External

Bay Campus

The Haven - Male prayer room & ablution facility on the ground floor, Female prayer room & ablution facility on the first floor. 

Located next to the sports centre. The Haven is open 8am - 6pm for all, but open 24/7 for those with a student or staff card.

Click HERE for directions to the Haven.

Male prayer room

The prayer spaces on Singleton Campus are currently OPEN. The prayer spaces on Bay Campus are OPEN.

Jumu'ah (Friday) Prayer occurs on both sites. In Bay Campus, Jumu'ah (Friday) Prayer will be in the Haven and on Singleton it will be in the Mosque. 

Iftar is provided for fasting students on both campuses during Ramadan - please email the Islamic society directly to register:

The safety of all attendees is our highest priority. Please abide by all rules and guidance of Swansea university to protect yourself and others. (please check the Safety Guidelines before you enter the spaces)


Please contact your module coordinator or apply for an extenuating circumstance if Ramadan activity will impact your ability to attend or submit any work. We would like to support you so that you can continue studying during this time.