Swansea University celebrated its Centenary on July 19th 2020. This unique occasion in the University’s lifetime not only presented a brilliant opportunity to celebrate the University’s achievements and journey over the past 100 years and focus on the bright future that lies ahead.

We commemorated the academic success and proud achievements of Swansea University's  staff, students, and those of our alumni.

Our Swansea, as we know it, means very different things to different people. We wanted our community to get involved in our Centenary celebrations, sharing what Swansea University meant to them. Explore below the initiatives and celebrations that took place to mark this monumental milestone in our University’s history.

Every effort has been made to contact the rights holders to obtain permission for the use of copyright material in the Centenary timeline film.  If we have inadvertently made use without permission of any materials in which you believe that you may own rights, please contact archives@swansea.ac.uk