Associate Professor Matt Carnie
Associate Professor in Material Science and Enigneering at Swansea University Matt Carnie collaborated with Computer Science and Materials Engineering, to work on research into Photovoltaic Interfaces.
CHERISH-DE supported researchers across the disciplines of Human-Computer Interaction and Materials Engineering to pioneer technologies that harvest energy from ambient light to power connected/mobile devices such as Internet of Things and everyday objects.
Dr Carnie comments: “As a materials scientist, the digital world was far outside the scope of my usual field of research. CHERISH-DE initiated discussions between myself and several Human-Computer-Interaction specialists. During these discussions we realised that the technologies that I work on – perovskite solar cells – are ideal for integrating into digital Internet-of-Things devices to make them self-powered and even interactive.
Our initial discussions were fruitful, we wrote a proposal and were successfully awarded £900k by EPSRC to explore the future of self-powered interactive technologies. CHERISH-DE supported us throughout the bid writing process, introducing us to potential project partners, and continues to support us, bringing in new collaborators to this exciting cross-disciplinary project.”
The project works closely with industrial partners including Google, Hewlett Packard and Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay.