Research Details

DEPT/SUBJECT AREA - Creative Writing

SUPERVISOR(S) - Dr. Jasmine Donahaye, Dr. Alan Kellermann

RESEARCH DEGREE (PhD/M.Phil/MA by Research) - PhD

THESIS TITLE - A novel The third room and essay The challenges, advantages and consequences of writing prose in a second language

Research Synopsis

The novel, The third room, will explore the effects of communicating on a daily basis in a second language on one’s identity, perception of self and perception of the world. How does the distance that a foreign language creates between the speaker and the spoken content colour the meanings and connotations?

The artefact will function as a testing ground where I will investigate the principles behind translingualism not just by having the protagonist living abroad and using a second language instead of her mother tongue, but also by writing the novel in my second language, English, instead of my mother tongue, Slovenian.

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