Research Details

DEPT/SUBJECT AREA - Applied Linguistics

SUPERVISOR(S) - Professor Nuria Lorenzo-Dus and Dr Robert Penhallurick

RESEARCH DEGREE (PhD/M.Phil/MA by Research) - M.Phil Applied Linguistics

THESIS TITLE - Responsible Reporting: Media Guidelines and Newspaper Representations of Male Schizophrenia

Research Synopsis

The aim of this research is to investigate the impact that the National Union of Journalist’s (NUJ) guidelines had on representations of male schizophrenia in three national newspapers. To achieve this aim, a mixed-method analysis will take place, combining a language-based content analysis and a discourse (news values) analysis on articles published between 2014 and 2016.

The articles selected for study will primarily be mapped onto the NUJ guidelines to identify common patterns in how these guidelines are used prior to undergoing a discourse (news values) analysis to determine what makes these articles newsworthy. It is hoped, in conducting this research, that any alterations in the way that male schizophrenia is represented across this timeframe can be captured in order for these findings to be presented to members of the NUJ so that ways in which their guidelines can be strengthened in future iterations can be identified.

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