Manylion y Cwrs

This module provides an opportunity for any individual with a role in health promotion to develop their knowledge and understanding of this topical subject area. Within the module students will develop an understanding of theories, concepts, principles, complexities, debates and new insights relating to health promotion in public health. Ways in which health related changes can be encouraged and supported will also be incorporated to equip the student for future clinical practice.

Lefel y Cwrs

FHEQ (beth yw ystyr hyn?)

Pwy ddylai fynychu

Myfyrwyr ôl-gofrestru neu gellir ei gymryd fel rhan o'r DipHE mewn Ymarfer Gofal Iechyd.


Cysylltwch CPD


Primarily on campus


Assignment 1, Presentation

Pris y Cwrs

Cysylltwch â ni am fanylion ffioedd y cwrs.


Prifysgol Abertawe, Campws Singleton 

Sut i Wneud Cais

Cysylltwch CPD


Helen Carter