Arnold Beckmann received his PhD and "Habilitation" in Mathematics from University of Münster in Germany. He was a recipient of Leopoldina and Marie-Curie academic fellowships, conducting research at University of Oxford, University of California in San Diego, and Vienna University of Technology. He is Professor of Computer Science at Swansea University, had been Head of Department from 2014-2021, and is now co-leading the Swansea University's Zienkiewicz Institute for Modelling, Data and AI, co-leading the Grenoble-Swansea Centre for AI, and member of the Wales Data Nation Accelerator. Arnold's research interests are in fundamentals of Computer Science, based on Mathematical Logic and Theoretical Computer Science, as well as transferring his expertise to applications. He is associate editor of 3 journals on mathematical logic, and managing editor of the book series Perspectives in Logic. He is on the boards of several scientific associations and leading the formation of The Proof Society. Arnold's research has been funded from various sources (EPSRC, the Royal Society, German DFG, Austrian FWF, EU Marie-Curie). He is founding member of Swansea Blockchain Lab, involved in several projects that explore the application of blockchain technology to real world problems. He is coI on the EPSRC funded SUSTAIN Manufacturing Hub, co-leading its UK Digital Steel Innovation Hub work packages on applying hybrid AI methods to steel manufacturing supply chains.