Kenneth Morgan
Kenneth Morgan
This module is intended to extend the theory of EG-293 Aerodynamics & EG-335 Gas Dynamics and apply it in the context of aerodynamic design across a range of length scales, Reynolds and Mach numbers. A number of case studies will be used to explore the concepts of aerodynamic design ranging from subsonic civilian aircraft to aerodynamic design in nature and hypersonic space vehicles. The course is split into four sections: subsonic, transonic, supersonic and hypersonic. By the end of the course students should have developed a good understanding of why aerospace vehicles operating in these different speed regimes with varying mission objectives look the way they do from an aerodynamic perspective.
This module aims at: 1. developing the ability to use basic and symbolic Matlab and to support understanding of, and competence in, the techniques introduced in the mathematics modules EG-113 and EG-115; 2. developing the ability to use symbolic Matlab for the solution of problems in engineering; 3. preparing the students for the advanced Matlab capabilities to be introduced in EG-228.
2011 - Presennol
1997 - Presennol