Formulation, Intervention and Relationships
This module provides an in-depth exploration of psychotherapy within the context of clinical psychology. It focuses on understanding the therapeutic relationship, common factors theory, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) for anxiety, depression, and trauma as delivered by NHS Talking Therapies, and modern approaches in psychodynamic therapy. Through a variety of learning methods including roleplay and problem-based learning from clinical case studies, students will develop critical skills in diagnosis, formulation, treatment planning, and creating psychoeducational resources.
Research Project
The research module will involve constructing and executing a substantial research project, usually conducted in connection to an abnormal and clinical research topic/theme.
Previous research projects have spanned various applicable clinical settings linked to NHS trusts, mental health charities, forensic units and topics generated by academics based within the department of psychology. We also encourage students who come to the program with connections as a consequence of previous professional experience, to undertake projects that are linked to interests they have already established.
Research Project
The research module will involve constructing and executing a substantial research project, usually conducted in connection to an abnormal and clinical research topic/theme.
Previous research projects have spanned various applicable clinical settings linked to NHS trusts, mental health charities, forensic units and topics generated by academics based within the department of psychology. We also encourage students who come to the program with connections as a consequence of previous professional experience, to undertake projects that are linked to interests they have already established.
Affective Disorders and Trauma
This module will examine the development, maintenance and treatment of affective disorders (anxiety and depression) along with related trauma responses such as post-traumatic stress disorder. The module will consider these presentations from biological/genetic, social/familial, and psychological explanatory frameworks. It will also critically review established and emergent theory-driven interventions.
Affective Disorders and Trauma
This module will examine the development, maintenance and treatment of affective disorders (anxiety and depression) along with related trauma responses such as post-traumatic stress disorder. The module will consider these presentations from biological/genetic, social/familial, and psychological explanatory frameworks. It will also critically review established and emergent theory-driven interventions.
This module will focus on the key skills required in the practice of psychotherapy and their use in clinical contexts. It focuses on the development of theory-based clinical formulation and interventions using cognitive behavioural and third wave strategies of change. It also provides practice in the use of core skills involved in formulation development and treatment. The module will translate a theoretical understanding of psychological disorders to a more clinical case relevant understanding. Students will learn about the key elements of second and third wave cognitive behavioural therapies both from a theoretical and practical perspective. This module is appropriate for students wishing to pursue a career in clinical, health or other abnormal psychological fields.
This module will focus on the key skills required in the practice of psychotherapy and their use in clinical contexts. It focuses on the development of theory-based clinical formulation and interventions using cognitive behavioural and third wave strategies of change. It also provides practice in the use of core skills involved in formulation development and treatment. The module will translate a theoretical understanding of psychological disorders to a more clinical case relevant understanding. Students will learn about the key elements of second and third wave cognitive behavioural therapies both from a theoretical and practical perspective. This module is appropriate for students wishing to pursue a career in clinical, health or other abnormal psychological fields.
Postgraduate Academic Skills and Development
Consisting of an extra-curricular workshop series, this is a non-credit bearing academic skills and development module for postgraduate Psychology students. The workshop series will deliver useful information to help MSc students adapt, successfully transition, and thrive as postgraduate students at Swansea University. The workshop series will cover a range of topics to support students¿ academic, personal, and professional development.
Postgraduate Academic Skills and Development
Consisting of an extra-curricular workshop series, this is a non-credit bearing academic skills and development module for postgraduate Psychology students. The workshop series will deliver useful information to help MSc students adapt, successfully transition, and thrive as postgraduate students at Swansea University. The workshop series will cover a range of topics to support students¿ academic, personal, and professional development.
Independent Research Project
Students conduct an independent research project under the supervision of a member of staff. The research topic is decided in conjunction with supervisors and Research topics. Students must design, conduct, analyse and write up a piece of research in order to achieve Graduate Basis for Chartership with the British Psychological Society (BPS). They must also complete an Ethical Considerations Form, showing that they have considered and resolved ethical issues relating to their project, and that they have implemented appropriate best practices for improving the reproducibility of their research.
Prosiect Ymchwil Annibynnol
Mae myfyrwyr yn cynnal prosiect ymchwil annibynnol dan oruchwyliaeth aelod o staff. Penderfynir ar bwnc yr ymchwil ar y cyd â goruchwylwyr a phynciau Ymchwil. Rhaid i fyfyrwyr ddylunio, cynnal, dadansoddi ac ysgrifennu darn o ymchwil er mwyn cyflawni Sail Graddedig ar gyfer Siarter gyda Chymdeithas Seicolegol Prydain (BPS). Rhaid iddynt hefyd lenwi Ffurflen Ystyriaethau Moesegol, gan ddangos eu bod wedi ystyried a datrys materion moesegol sy'n ymwneud â'u prosiect, a'u bod wedi gweithredu arferion gorau priodol ar gyfer gwella atgynyrchioldeb eu hymchwil.
Independent Research Project - Joint Honours
Students conduct an independent research project under the supervision of a member of staff. The research topic is decided in conjunction with supervisors and research topics. Students must design, conduct, analyse and write up a piece of research in order to achieve Graduate Basis for Chartership with the British Psychological Society (BPS). They must also complete an ethical considerations form, showing that they have considered and resolved ethical issues relating to their project, and that they have implemented appropriate best practices for improving the reproducibility of their research.
Prosiect Ymchwil Annibynnol - Anrhydeddau ar y Cyd
Mae myfyrwyr yn cynnal prosiect ymchwil annibynnol dan oruchwyliaeth aelod o staff. Penderfynir ar bwnc yr ymchwil ar y cyd â goruchwylwyr a phynciau ymchwil. Rhaid i fyfyrwyr ddylunio, cynnal, dadansoddi ac ysgrifennu darn o ymchwil er mwyn cyflawni Sail Graddedig ar gyfer Siarter gyda Chymdeithas Seicolegol Prydain (BPS). Rhaid iddynt hefyd lenwi ffurflen ystyriaethau moesegol, gan ddangos eu bod wedi ystyried a datrys materion moesegol sy'n ymwneud â'u prosiect, a'u bod wedi gweithredu arferion gorau priodol ar gyfer gwella atgynyrchioldeb eu hymchwil.