Genetics, Genomics & Evolution
The module will provide a foundation in genetics and evolution. Concepts such as DNA discovery, structure and replication, gene transcription and translation, mechanisms of gene transmission, genome organisation, epigenetic modifications and mutations will be covered with an appreciation of how how these mechanisms have an impact on human disease and antibiotic resistance.
The latter part of the module will start with the work of Plato, Cuvier, Lamarck, Wallace and Darwin and how they (and others) influenced the development of an evolutionary theory framework. Using this knowledge the module will then look at the processes involved in speciation and how they can be applied at both the gene and whole organismal level.
Molecular Evolution
The module aims to critically evaluate concepts and apply the scientific methods pertaining to the study of molecular evolution, in prokaryotic and eukaryotic organisms.
Capstone Project
The aim of this module is to provide a capstone experience to students¿ learning, through participating in their own enquiry-based research project, with guidance from an academic supervisor. The project may be laboratory or non-laboratory based, but it will always involve a research question that is drawn from the literature, and focused on a topic relevant to the life sciences. It will ask a research question and involve the critical analysis of research findings. Students will refine their oral and written communication skills to a graduate level through an oral presentation and dissertation on their research findings and conclusions.
Biowybodeg: O ddilyniant i swyddogaeth
Mae argaeledd cynyddol dilyniannau genom a data strwythur protein yn mynnu bod biolegwyr moleciwlaidd yn hyfedr wrth berfformio dadansoddiadau data helaeth i arwain a chefnogi ymchwil draddodiadol mewn labordy. Bydd y Modiwl hwn yn darparu sylfaen ddamcaniaethol a hyfforddiant ymarferol ar offer cyfrifiadol a ddefnyddir ar hyn o bryd i gydosod a holi dilyniannau genom, casglu swyddogaethau genynnau a phrotein, ac i archwilio data strwythur protein.
Advanced Research Project A
The advanced research project is a key component of the final year of study, providing students with experience of conducting cutting-edge research in the Institute of Life Science and Centre for Nanohealth over an extended period of time. The project will fall into one of the current medically-related research themes: Biomarkers and Genes; Microbes and Immunity; Devices and health informatics. Students will employ a range of advanced analytical procedures to investigate a specific topic. In addition, they will gain experience in preparing a research proposal and presenting their data in various formats. Research topics will be assigned that are appropriate to a specific degree title. For example, a Genetics student could be assigned a project investigating gene function in an insect vector of a tropical disease, using the technique of RNA interference.
The advanced research project is divided between 2 modules, PM-400 and PM-405.
Prosiect Ymchwil Uwch A
Mae'r prosiect ymchwil uwch yn elfen allweddol o'r flwyddyn astudio olaf. Mae'n rhoi cyfle i fyfyrwyr gael profiad o ymgymryd ag ymchwil arloesol yn y Sefydliad Gwyddor Bywyd a'r Ganolfan NanoIechyd am gyfnod estynedig o amser. Bydd y prosiect yn canolbwyntio ar un o'r themâu ymchwil canlynol sy'n berthnasol i'r gwyddorau meddygol: Biofarcwyr a Genynnau; Microbau ac Imiwnedd; Dyfeisiau. Bydd myfyrwyr yn defnyddio amrywiaeth o dechnegau dadansoddi uwch i ymchwilio i bwnc penodol. Yn ogystal, byddant yn cael profiad o lunio cynnig ymchwil a chyflwyno eu data mewn amrywiaeth o fformatau. Dynodir themâu ymchwil sy'n briodol i deitl gradd penodol. Er enghraifft, os yw myfyriwr yn astudio Geneteg, gellir dynodi prosiect yn ymchwilio i weithrediad gennyn mewn fector pryfed clefyd trofannol, gan ddefnyddio techneg ymyrraeth RNA.
Rhennir y prosiect ymchwil uwch rhwng dau fodiwl, PM-400 a PM-405.
Advanced Research Project Dissertation
The advanced research project is a key component of the final year of study, providing students with experience of conducting cutting-edge research in the Institute of Life Science and Centre for Nanohealth over an extended period. The projects undertaken will fall into one of the current medically-related research themes. Students will employ a range of advanced analytical procedures to investigate a specific topic. In addition, they will gain experience in preparing a research proposal and presenting their data in various formats. Research topics will be assigned that are appropriate to a specific degree title.
Traethawd Hir Prosiect Ymchwil Uwch
Mae'r prosiect ymchwil uwch yn elfen allweddol o'r flwyddyn astudio olaf, gan roi cyfle i fyfyrwyr gael profiad o ymchwil arloesol yn y Sefydliad Gwyddor Bywyd a'r Ganolfan NanoIechyd am gyfnod estynedig o amser. Bydd y prosiect yn seiliedig ar un o'r themâu ymchwil sy'n ymwneud â'r gwyddorau meddygol. Bydd myfyrwyr yn defnyddio amrywiaeth o dechnegau dadansoddi uwch i ymchwilio i bwnc penodol. Yn ogystal, cânt brofiad o lunio cynnig ymchwil a chyflwyno eu data mewn amrywiaeth o fformatau. Dynodir pynciau ymchwil sy'n briodol i deitl gradd penodol.
Fundamentals of Biomedical Sciences 1
This module has been designed to provide students with the fundamental knowledge and principle concepts of biomedical science from a scientific and practice basis. The module will cover key topic areas ranging from Good Laboratory Practice, Biomedical Diagnostics, Pathophysiology, the disciplines in Biomedical Science and the various approaches involved to ensure Quality Control and Laboratory Management.
Fundamentals of Biomedical Sciences 2
This module has been designed to provide students with the fundamental knowledge and principle concepts of biomedical science from a scientific and practice basis. The module will cover the following key topics across the life span:
¿ Human Anatomy and Physiology ¿ across the life span
¿ Cellular biology from structure to pathology
¿ Good laboratory practice and Sustainability
¿ Key principles of cell pathology, clinical biochemistry, clinical microbiology, clinical immunology, clinical genetics and haematology
¿ Clinical Pathology
¿ Quality Management
Post Graduate Taught Masters Dissertation
The module is for students to build on their previous knowledge, skills and experience by undertaking a laboratory based or suitable non-laboratory based project on a specific subject related to genomics.
Application of Genomics in Infectious Disease
In this module the student will learn about the genomic structure of infectious agents, implication of acquisition or loss of nucleotides, genes and plasmids on pathogenicity, sensitivity of a pathogen to drug treatment and outbreak control. Students will learn about infection as a cause of national and global morbidity and mortality, transmission of human infections: person to person, food and water-borne, sexually transmitted, vector-borne, prokaryotes, their¿genome, replication and population¿genetics, genomic characterisation of viruses:¿DNA¿and¿RNA¿genomes, single-stranded, double stranded, segmented, genomic comparisons of microbial strains in the context of outbreaks and transmissions in hospitals and the community, laboratory diagnosis, including genomic techniques and technologies, and appropriate sample type, analysis and interpretation of genomic data, and the role of bioinformatics, anti-infective drug action, mutation¿rate and drug resistance, genomic evidence of individual susceptibility to specific infection and the role of genomics in: infectious disease diagnosis, drug selection, resistance, monitoring and epidemic control. The students will also learn how to perform aspects of in-silico analyses on microbial gene sequences, in a workshop setting.
Dissertation (Research)
This module builds on the knowledge and skills developed in teaching components in part one of their relevant programme. Students will work independently in order to critically explore and add to the evidence base for a topic of relevance to their area of study.