Professor Matt Carnie

Materials Science and Engineering

Telephone number

+44 (0) 1792 606489

Email address
Academic Office - A218
Second Floor
Engineering East
Bay Campus
Available For Postgraduate Supervision


My research broadly encompasses Energy Materials & Devices, focusing on Photovoltaic Applications, Materials and Device Characterization, and Thermoelectrics.

Photovoltaic Applications: I have been working toward integrating next-generation photovoltaic technologies into IoT objects for several years, securing over £2.5M in funding to date. Leading the integration work for next-generation PV into IoT objects as part of ATIP (EP/T028513/1, £6M), my team has developed an ultra-low power, self-powered IoT platform. This platform can indefinitely power autonomous sensors in various lighting conditions, and we are actively working towards commercializing this technology. Stay tuned for updates!

The work on PV applications is closely linked to the multidisciplinary project GENERATION (EP/W025396/1, £1.25M), initiated in January 2023. This project brings together Computer Scientists, Materials Chemists, and Gerontologists to develop self-powered technologies for the benefit of an aging population. This evovled from PV Interfaces (EP/R032750/1, £1M), which explored novel use cases for PV-powered IoT objects.

Photovoltaics Materials and Device Characterization: I led Swansea's "Materials-Hub" under the WEFO-funded SPARC II project, SPECIFIC-IKC (EP/N020863/1), and Sêr Solar programs. My research focuses on solution-processed photovoltaic materials and device physics. Utilizing techniques such as Intensity Modulated Photovoltage Spectroscopy (IMVS) and Transient Photovoltage (TPV) Decay, my PV research team characterizes carrier transport, recombination, and mobility in photovoltaic devices.

Thermoelectrics: I led SPECIFIC's research in novel solution-processable thermoelectric materials and devices, specifically organic and hybrid materials. Notable contributions include our work on SnSe thermoelectric generators published in Advanced Energy Materials, as well as a review article on printed thermoelectrics in Advanced Materials.


Professor Matt Carnie: Inaugural Lecture, 2022