What we do

For 30 to 40 years, Materials Engineering at Swansea University has worked with Rolls-Royce. Research taking place here has led directly to component design.

Our Rolls-Royce University Technology Centre (UTC) in Materials is a key member of the Materials Partnership with the Universities of Birmingham and Cambridge.

UTCs have been established by Rolls-Royce across the world covering diverse engine technology requirements.

The mission of this Partnership is to harness key academic expertise to address front-line materials requirements for Rolls-Royce gas turbine engines. This fundamental materials research is necessary to improve the efficiency and environmental sustainability of gas turbine engines.

Our research areas

Fan Blade Titanium Alloys and SPFDB Single Crystal Turbine Blades
UHS Steel Shafts  TBC Coatings
Joining Technology and Repairs  High Temperature Nickel Alloys   
Titanium Casings  Titanium Aluminides
Abradable Seals Combustor TMF
Ceramic Matrix Composites Creep-Fatigue Modelling and Behaviour of HPC Disc Rims
Materials for Hydrogen Environments Small Scale Test Techniques
rolls royce engine