Welcome to the DEAF webpage, we are a collaborative d/Deaf mental health research network. We work together on research projects to find out about and improve D/deaf people’s health and life experiences. We focus on access and research that impacts on emotional health.

We are connected with the Wales BSL and Deaf Research Group and part of the Deaf Health and Well-Being Wales project.

Group icon

Who We Work With

D/deaf and hard of hearing people have explained the many challenges they experience in health and care services that need to be improved. When staff workers receiver the right training and become Deaf aware, then staff are able to communicate more effectively with D/deaf people which makes a positive difference for all.

Our PhD students are also developing resources in Wales that will benefit D/deaf people when they are in hospital.

Why is mental health important?

Please watch this short video to find out why mental health is so important.

Research Projects and Recent Findings


Public Engagement

We regularly engage with D/deaf and hard of hearing communities and have a growing number of D/deaf researchers. We have a stall at the Swansea Science Festival every year to teach the public more about being Deaf, to share research findings and to encourage them to become more Deaf aware and to learn BSL at local Centres for Deaf people.

If you are interested, please email BeDeafAware@swansea.ac.uk

Please review the Privacy Notice - 2021 if you do send us any personal data.

Deaf Aware

Find out more...

For further information please contact Dr Julia Terry.

Dr Julia Terry is Director of the Tackling Deaf health inequalities research centre. Julia is a hearing professional, currently studying BSL Level 4. Julia works extensively with D/deaf and hearing communities across Wales, UK and internationally.

Supported by...

Supported by The British Society for Mental Health and Deafness (BSMHD), the only UK charity that focuses entirely on the promotion of positive mental health of Deaf people and also supported by CHERISH.

British Death Mental Health Society