We are part of an Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) funded research project spanning four universities. This project is focused on understanding and enhancing the participative rights of young children in lower primary educational settings. We seek to identify and propagate teaching practices that are sensitive to, and facilitate, the expression and recognition of these rights in classrooms and schools. The research is led by Dr Sarah Chicken at the University of West England.

Our method involves a multidisciplinary approach combining educational theory, developmental psychology, and participative action research. We engage with children in their classrooms, observe teaching practices, and use qualitative research methods like interviews and focus group discussions. Collaborating with various stakeholders such as teachers, education policymakers, children's rights advocates, and the children themselves forms a vital part of our methodology.

Our project's findings are shaping pedagogical approaches and influencing educational policies to better incorporate children's participative rights. We've facilitated workshops and training sessions for educators and policymakers, spreading awareness of our findings and promoting a culture of children's participation in schools. The project has led to an increased recognition of the importance of children's voices in educational settings.

Project partners:  Dr Sarah Chicken, Dr Jacky Tyrie, Dr Jane Waters-Davies, Dr Alison Murphy, Dr Jennie Clement, Professor Jane Williams, Louisa Roberts, Georgia Fee, Debi Keyte-Hartland.

Children's Participation in Schools