Student of MA Professional Translation

Why did you choose to study at Swansea University? 

I have done a lot of research before applying to a UK university. I asked many people and got the help of many agencies as a result I received positive feedback about Swansea University being one of the top UK universities, as well as the Welsh ones. Seeing the awards that the university gained assured me that it is the university I want to pursue my future in. All of that proved to be true and I have not regretted applying. 

Can you tell us about your course and what did you enjoy the most? 

The first semester I studied with the college. I learned a lot from wonderful teachers, especially the essay writing, which I feel I have improved a lot in since. In the second semester I had 2 modules with the college and 2 modules with the university. My course is professional translation where we study multiple courses including computer assisted translation, as well as terminology management, which I gained a lot from with the help of great lecturers. I loved the sea side, as well as the activities held by both; Singleton and Bay Campus, which gave me a lot of options to choose from. 

What are your three favourite things about Swansea University? 

My three favourite things about Swansea University is that they care a lot about students opinions and experience, create many opportunities for students to engage with peers and staff to help them improve themselves, lastly the teaching methods and facilities they offer.

Would you recommend Swansea University to other international students? 

I have already recommended Swansea University to a friend, who applied in January. If I had more people to recommend the university to I definitely would.

A photo of our student Amal, who is smiling at the camera.