HFW is an international law firm, which employs over 600 lawyers working across the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, Asia and Australia. Through the IISTL, the School enjoys very close links with HFW which sponsors a number of prizes for Swansea LLM students and offers internship opportunities. Over the years a number of Swansea students have taken advantage of the internship opportunities that the firm provides. Most recently, Miss Kiki Akrita spent 2 weeks at London offices of HFW under the supervision of Mr Richard Neylon.

Kiki Akrita

“My time at HFW was so productive. I shadowed several top lawyers and learnt a lot as to how to deal with new cases and challenges that a lawyer could face on a daily basis. I am grateful to Swansea Law School and my tutors for providing us this opportunity. My Swansea experience was remarkable! I am proud to be part of this large, caring and international family.”

Zenos Jin

Zenos Jin

Shortly after completing his LLM degree with distinction at Swansea University, Zenos joined the HFW Shanghai office as a shipping law paralegal. His key responsibilities include assisting senior associates in advising clients and in preparing cases for litigation. Zenos was delighted to find out, when working at HFW, that his Swansea LLM degree was highly valued by his employers. He is keen to be trained as a competent common lawyer and is registering at NUS for a two-year Juris Doctor programme.