Swansea Law School Extends Its Expertise in Maritime Law to the Far-East.

On 8-9 June 2009, Swansea Law School organised jointly with the Shanghai Maritime University an International Symposium on “Recent Developments in Carriage of Goods by Sea: The Rotterdam Rules and Charterparties” at Shanghai. The event which was held at the new campus of the Shanghai Maritime University attracted delegates not only from the academia but also from the legal and shipping practice and the judiciary.

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Professor Williams (Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law, Swansea University) delivering his paper. Also on the panel from left to right: Dr Baris Soyer (Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law, Swansea University); Professor Zhengliang Hu (Director of the Institute of Maritime Law, Shanghai Maritime University) and Professor Marc Huybrechts (Antwerp University)

The first day of the event was devoted to the Rotterdam Rules which will be opened or signature in September 2009. The Rules, if adopted, will bring about significant changes for all parties involved in the carriage of goods by sea. A comprehensive analysis of the main provisions of the Rules was also offered by distinguished speakers such as Professor Gertjan van der Ziel (Erasmus University), Professor Yuzhuo Si (Dalian Maritime University), Professor Hyeon Kim (Korea University), Professor Zhengliang Hu (Shanghai Maritime University) and Professor Marc Huybrechts (University of Antwerp), as well as by the members of the Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law.

On the second day, legal implications of charterparty disputes arising as a result of the current turmoil in international financial markets were discussed. The key speakers on the second day were: Mr Peter Murray (Chief Representative, Ince & Co Shanghai Office) (Duration of time charterparties); Professor Hongxiu Yao (Shanghai Maritime University) (Possible self-help remedies for non payment of hire); Dr Yingying Zou (Shanghai Maritime University) (Breach of time charterparties- assessment of damages); Professor Richard Williams (Swansea University-Member of the Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law) (Letter of indemnity and its role in chartering operations); Professor D Rhidian Thomas (Swansea University, Director of the Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law) (The impact of piracy/terrorism on chartering operations); Mr Philip Yang (Maritime Arbitrator, Hong Kong) (Arbitration of Charterparty Disputes in Hong Kong) and Captain Fook Choon Lee (Maritime Arbitrator, Singapore) (Arbitration of charterparty disputes in Singapore).

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From Left to right: Professor Shicheng Yu (President of the Shanghai Maritime University), Professor Zhangliang Hu (Director of Institute of Maritime Law, Shanghai Maritime University) and Professor D. Rhidian Thomas (Director of the Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law, Swansea University) during the Opening Session of the Event.

Dr Baris Soyer (Swansea University-Member of the Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law), a co-organiser of the event, commented: “It is an undisputable fact that the Far East is rapidly becoming the centre of contemporary shipping practice. It is, therefore, essential that a constant debate and analysis on the legal framework is conducted in the region so that the danger of the practice leaving the law behind is avoided. It is hoped that this event will serve that purpose. The event is also a manifestation of the unambiguous intention of two important centres in maritime law, Shanghai Maritime University and Swansea Law School, to enhance the level of co-operation in future.”


First published in 2009