The Institute of International Shipping and Trade Law (IISTL) has developed excellent links with several academic institutions throughout the world. On this occasion, the IISTL co-operated with Athens University and University of Texas to organize the 3rd Advanced International Maritime Law Seminar in Athens on 10-12 July 2019

Dedicated to our valued colleague and dear friend, Dr Theodora Nikaki, who tragically passed away last year, the event focused on contemporary shipping issues and reflected her areas of expertise: charterparties, multimodal transport documents and other significant topics in carriage of goods by sea. Apart from Professors Baughen, Leloudas, Soyer, Tettenborn and Williams representing the IISTL, other speakers included Professor Sturley (University of Texas); Professor Athanassiou (Athens University); Professor Athanassopoulou (University of Aegean);  Professor Theocharidis (World Maritime University); Mr Kontantinidis (Manager of Eastern Mediterranean Maritime Law); Ms Couvadelli (Thomas Miller) and Simon Croall QC (Head of Quadrant Chambers).

Speaking at the event, Professor Soyer, the Director of the IISTL, thanked Professor Athanassiou and Eugenides Foundation for their support in organizing this outstanding seminar, noting specifically that the event brought together everything Dr Nikaki loved: her family, colleagues and students, and did so within the native country she loved so dearly.    

Maritime 1

Professor Sturley presenting at a Panel with Professors Soyer and Williams

Maritime 2

IISTL Members and Professor Sturley with Dr Nikaki's family


First published in 2019