Welcome to Physics at Swansea
Welcome to our quick guide to studying Physics at university. You can watch online lecture videos and take a tour of the department. You can watch what our students have to say and chat with them via Unibuddy. You can also view our Swansea Signposts page which has lots of Physics related links.
If you’ve not visited or applied to Swansea University before and would like to find out more information about Physics please see our Virtual Open Day page.
What Careers Could Be Open To Me When I Graduate?
The importance of gaining valuable core skills and life experience whilst at University has never been so critical. Studying Physics at Swansea University will give you detailed insight into the fundamental laws underlying all of Nature - from quantum mechanics, describing quarks and gluons, to Einstein's theory of gravity, relevant for the Universe on cosmological scales.
Many of our courses are available with a year in industry or year abroad options – giving you the extra edge in a competitive jobs market. We support you in finding a suitable placement and have connections with universities all over the world.
Take a virtual tour and explore for yourself
Check out a 360o tour of our facilities, campus, and accommodation ...