- Location – Engineering East A005
- Source – Copper twist tube (40kV, 40mA max)
- Detector – Lynxeye 1D detector
- Minimum resolution – 0.3mm spot, 0.1mm line
- Sample weight – 500g
- Max sample size – 500mm high, 150mm diameter
Find out more about the Bruker D8 Discover

The Bruker D8 Discover is an extremely versatile powder XRD featuring plug & play elements allows testing to be customised to the samples needs. This XRD combines an Eulerian cradle, allowing sample positioning and movement in 5 axis, and a 40kV Copper twist-tube source, for both point and line focus jobs, provide effective diffraction of “as is” components. In addition, the 1D Lynx-eye detector provides increased data acquisition rates speeding up testing considerably, allowing both qualitative and quantitative measurements of a wide range of materials. Incidence optics allow for the XRD to provide divergent and parallel beam geometry’s depending on the sample requirements, with poly-capillary optics allowing parallel point source analysis for sample mapping, texture and residual stress analysis.
Analysis is provided by the Bruker suite including Diffrac.Eva, Topas, Leptos, and Diffrac.Texture, using the crystallography online database.
Samples can be up to 500g in weight with heights up to 500mm
This machine features the ability to provide:
- Standard powder XRD using either divergent or parallel beam (Göbel mirror) geometries
- Glancing/grazing incidence XRD with true parallel beam for thin film and corrosion products
- Residual stress analysis using a point source and polycapillary optics set-up
- Texture analysis using the point source set-up to provide pole figures.
- In-situ thermal testing up to 1100oC using an Anton Paar DHS 1100.
Image Courtesy of Bruker