We are seeking outstanding future alumni and ambassadors

Our Developing Futures programme is more than a scholarship package; along with financial support for an academic year you will also get the chance to gain valuable career-enhancing skills.

Recipients of the Scholarship will have the opportunity to work with the Recruitment and Marketing teams on a number of events, including Open Days, as well as working with the Student Information Office.

Alongside your studies, we also encourage recipients to join a society or become a course representative for their degree programme.

We believe that the skills you develop by taking part in these activities will make you stand out from your peers.

Apply for the Developing Futures Scholarship

Hear from some of our past scholarship recipients

Amy Hillman

female student smiling

"It’s 100% changed my life.

I have massively benefitted from the Scholarship. I couldn’t have afforded to complete my Masters without it. As well as providing me with financial support it was great being part of the DFS community. The School of Management organise meet-ups for all DFS recipients every couple of months which meant I had the opportunity to meet other postgraduate students, separate to those on my course. This was a great opportunity to network with others and to share experiences. It really felt like a close community and like a welcomed support network amidst all the studying."


As an international student choosing to study my undergraduate degree in the UK, the scholarship brought a huge financial benefit to me and so much more that I hadn't expected. The Developing Futures team inspired me to become a student ambassador for the School and for the University which is a great addition to my CV. As a scholarship holder I have gained a new network of friends, the best university part time job, good relationships with School staff, a new found confidence and spring to my step. I’d recommend applying to any student."

Natasha Mawera

female student smiling

Ashley Holloway

male student smiling

"The application process was really refreshing.

It was an opportunity to get my ambition down on paper. The assessors aren’t just looking for academic achievement but instead want to understand your motives for completing a masters and being part of the Developing Futures Scholarship team. Receiving the scholarship doesn’t just mean financial support as you also have lots of great opportunities as a result; such as supporting University Open Days and liaising with prospective students about why they should study at Swansea."


The Developing Futures Scholarship is available to the School of Management courses only. For further scholarship information available to all students please see Swansea University's Scholarships and Bursaries pages –

Undergraduate Scholarships
Postgraduate Scholarships
International Scholarships