Welcome to Sport and Exercise Sciences

Our Sport and Exercise Sciences department is based in the state-of-the-art facilities and laboratories on Swansea's beach-fronted Bay Campus. It is a great place to explore how the human body performs under different levels of pressure, and the broader issues at play from wider participation in sports, to ethics, sports psychology and nutrition. 

We provide a solid core of modern and relevant learning, preparing you for a fulfilling career in fitness and leisure industries, pharmaceuticals, healthcare, research and more. You will benefit from our close links with organisations including Diabetes UK, Swansea NHS Trust, UK Sport, Sport Wales and the Welsh Rugby Union.

Where bright futures begin

Applied Sports, Technology, Exercise and Medicine (A-STEM) Research

World leading research is conducted in a number of areas including anti doping and sports ethics, children’s physical activity and exercise physiology. Read more...

Our Research in Practice

Sport and Exercise Science Webinars

Applications of Sport Science to Skeleton Bobsleigh Performance

Gain an insight into how Sport Science principles can be applied to elite sporting performance.

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How to Improve Recovery from Long Covid

Find out how Sport and Exercise Science can help find strategies to improve recovery from Long COVID

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Sport and Exercise Science Virtual Tour