Sport Swansea Breakout group 1: Get Active & Intramural Sport & the Student Workforce

Get Active: Through the Get ACTIVE programme, the Engage strand aims to increase the activity levels of the University’s staff and students. By offering a demand-led programme, we deliver a range of recreational activities on and off campus, through using our sporting facilities and the natural environment that surrounds us in Swansea. Get ACTIVE is working collaboratively, internally and externally, to deliver a diverse programme to our population, especially to those where gaps in participation exist and who may, ordinally, find access to activity experiences difficult to due to a number of barriers. Get ACTIVE continually seeks partners to work with us to improve engagement, widen our activity offer to increase activity levels of our staff and students.

Intramural Sport and the Student Workforce: Intramural sport offers local, affordable, and competitive sport to students and staff. It’s the first phase of competition on our sporting pathway and is run by students for students. We work with organisations and NGB’s to support paid and unpaid student activator roles, we aim to upskill the workforce with coaching and officiating qualifications, and increase participation and opportunities across our University community. We seek partnerships and opportunities to increase opportunities for participants, aspiring coaches, officials, and leaders alike.

Sport Swansea Breakout Group 2: The Performance Pathway

Club Sport: Through our Club Sport programmes, the Aspire strand offers a comprehensive range of activity and competition at varying levels in over 52 sports. We provide a player pathway from low level competition through to performance and high performance environments, offering our participants a well-rounded experience within competitive sport. Our Aspiration is to place in the top 15 for performance within the BUCS league table, increase participation, volunteers, and enhance the student and staff experience. We seek opportunities to develop our Focus Sport programmes for aspiring teams and sports who want to become part of our performance pathway.

Performance, High Performance, TASS & Scholarships: Through our Performance, High Performance, TASS and Scholarship programmes, we aim to offer an athlete centred approach to delivering a world class, dual career pathway and environment for our students. Building and sustaining programmes and partnerships to support, grow, and develop a world class environment is key to our success and our ambition. We seek partnerships with local, national and international partners to champion performance and high performance sport opportunities on a national and international level.

Breakout Session 3: Sport and Exercise Pedagogy and Research at Swansea University

Sport-related programmes of study are growing at Swansea University, at both undergraduate and postgraduate level. Whilst the Department of Sport and Exercise has offered a highly successful undergraduate course (currently ranked 11th in the UK for student satisfaction) for over 25 years and has productive research programmes at both Masters and Doctorate level, our offering continues to develop. This workshop will highlight our existing course offerings within the Sport and Exercise Science department, and across the university as a whole, as well as outlining our plans for future development. Come and see how you can get involved with shaping our programmes and how working with us, and our students, could benefit your organisation.

The Applied Sports, Technology, Exercise and Medicine research centre residing within a Faculty of Science and Engineering. A-STEM staff conduct distinctive, cutting-edge research that is multidisciplinary with research focusing on Elite and Professional Sport, Exercise Medicine and Health and Sport Ethics, Integrity and Governance. We are delighted to have achieved 100% world-leading and internationally excellent impact and 100% world-leading and internationally excellent recognition (Research Excellence Framework, 2021) showing the depth, breadth and impact of our research to our stakeholders. During this workshop attendees will get an insight into the types of research we conduct here and how this can impact their organisations.

Breakout Session 4: Swansea Bay City Deal & Facilities Development

The Swansea Bay City Deal Campuses project is a catalytic project for the region, led by the University in partnership with Swansea Council, the regional health boards (Swansea Bay University Health Board and Hywel Dda University Health Board) and A Regional Collaboration for Health (ARCH) along with key private sector partners.

It builds on the impact and credibility of the Institute of Life Science, and the proven ecosystem fostered by the partners to deliver academic, industry and NHS-led innovation and economic growth aligned with planned development of the major regional hospital at Morriston and the Swansea Bay Sports Park at Sketty Lane. At its core, this project seeks to:

(1) expand the current infrastructure to support a widening of the ecosystem into new, targeted areas (including digital innovation in sensors, devices and materials, with applications in health, wellbeing and sports settings), and

(2) attract private investment into the Swansea Bay City Region from multinational companies and SMEs in the MedTech and Sports Tech sector.

The Project will catalyse the transformation of the facilities at Swansea Bay Sports Park, creating a unique national asset aligning and co-locating community sport, performance sport, sport technology and innovation - providing opportunities for training, competition, research and development.

Our partners will be key to unlocking this vision, fulfilling the tole of developer, user, contributor, and tenant.