Dr Cai Ladd

Lecturer, Geography

Email address

Welsh language proficiency

Fluent Welsh Speaker
Academic Office - 240
Second Floor
Wallace Building
Singleton Campus

Research Institutes

Available For Postgraduate Supervision


I am a coastal geographer whose research examines how biological, physical, and social processes interact across local and regional scales to shape coastal wetlands and the communities that rely on them. My work crosses disciplines of biogeomorphology, socio-ecological resilience, and ecosystem service sustainability. I use methods in spatial statistics, hydrological monitoring, and citizen science to develop practical advice and management tools to support coastal wetland conservation.

I am a lead in the Agriculture, Land Use, Biodiversity and the Ecosystem Crisis theme at the Climate Action Research Institute.

Areas Of Expertise

  • Coastal Wetlands
  • Biogeomorphology
  • Socio-Ecological Systems
  • Hydrology
  • Geomatics
  • Spatial Statistics
  • Geographic Information Systems
  • Citizen Science

Career Highlights

Teaching Interests

I incorporate my research into teaching to ensure students engage with current global issues, state-of-the-art methods, and key research questions in geography. Examples include:

• Practicals to quantify soil organic carbon stocks using fieldwork, laboratory, and computer practicals.
• Lectures on key global hazards and how societies manage and adapt to them.
• Workshops for wrangling data, creating figures, and running spatial statistics using R.

Research Collaborations