Professor Gareth Stratton

Chair in Paediatric Exercise Science
Sport and Exercise Sciences

Telephone number

+44 (0) 1792 606544

Email address

Welsh language proficiency

Basic Welsh Speaker
Academic Office - A102
First Floor
Engineering East
Bay Campus
Available For Postgraduate Supervision


Gareth is Deputy Pro-Vice Chancellor, Director of Strategy and Insight in the Department of Engineering, Swansea University and adjunct Professor at the University of Western Australia.

Professor Stratton’s academic interest is driven by his time as physical education teacher guiding him to pursue two main areas of research: Children Maturation and Physical Activity and Physical Activity Fitness and Health.

He has been involved in physical activity measurement studies for over 30 years and he continues his interest in the development of novel sensor technologies to detect and stimulate changes in physical activity and sedentary behaviour. Professor Stratton has designed a significant number of physical activity interventions in clinical and healthy populations that aimed to change children's behaviour and promote positive wellbeing.

Professor Stratton has worked in translating research roles and chaired a number of national groups responsible for producing physical activity and sedentary behaviour guidance for young people. Professor Stratton is the Lead Export on Physical Activity of the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) quality standards advisory committee for childhood obesity and chair of the PH17 Promoting physical activity in children. Professor Stratton was the European Representative on the Canadian 24-hour movement guidelines for children expert group, is also expert advisor on the Chief Medical Officers Physical Activity Guidance group convened in that published UK physical activity recommendations in 2019.

Areas Of Expertise

  • Child growth and development
  • Children’s Fitness
  • Physical activity measurement
  • Sensor analytics
  • Motor competence
  • Physical Activity Interventions
  • Children’s Play
  • Obesity

Career Highlights

Teaching Interests

Child Growth and Development

Physical Activity and Health

Award Highlights Collaborations