Professor Geraint Williams

Professor Geraint Williams

Materials Science and Engineering

Email address

Welsh language proficiency

Fluent Welsh Speaker
Academic Office - A231
Second Floor
Engineering East
Bay Campus


Geraint's research interests are in the fields of corrosion science, forensic science and chemical sensors. His primary activities involve the application of advanced electrochemical scanning techniques to study localised corrosion mechanisms and corrosion protection of various metals and alloys including steel, zinc, magnesium, aluminium and stainless steel.

His current interests in this area lie in using scanning Kelvin probe (SKP) instrumentation to develop novel anti-corrosion coating technologies as alternatives to Cr(vi)-based systems and using a scanning vibrating electrode technique (SVET) to elucidate localised corrosion mechanisms, especially in Mg and its alloys. World-leading expertise in these 2 techniques has resulted in the supply of in-house built instruments to international companies and university groups. In the area of forensic science, Geraint's current research interest lies in the development of new technologies to visualise fingerprints on metal. The application of SKP technology in this field made a particular impact, resulting in significant recent media coverage (Sky, BBC news). 

Geraint is author of 100+ publications in peer reviewed international journals (> 1800 citations; H-index = 27; source: Scopus) along with 100+ conference papers. He has twice given keynote invited lectures at the 2014 and 2008 Gordon Research Conferences (GRC) in aqueous corrosion, held at the Colby-Sawyer College, NH. Other recent invited conference lectures include being a Plenary speaker at the 2012 Australasian Corrosion association annual meeting (Melbourne 2012), Keynote speaker at the 230th and 220th ECS meetings (Phoenix 2015, Boston 2011), contributions at the 2012 RIP Symposium (Salt lake city), 2014 and 2010 RTS in NACE corrosion (both San Antonio) and the European Coatings Conference (Berlin, 2009).