Dr Laura Galante

Dr Laura Galante

Lecturer – Physiology and Year 3 and 4 GEM deputy academic lead, Medical School
Available For Postgraduate Supervision


Dr Laura Galante is a lecturer in infant and child public health at the School of Health and Social Care at Swansea University. She graduated in 2020 with a PhD in biomedical science from the Liggins Institute, University of Auckland, where she studied how maternal and infant characteristics, specifically infant sex, contribute to defining specific hormonal ‘fingerprints’ in maternal milk.

Between 2020 and 2022 she completed a postdoc in evolutionary biology at the Department of Biology at the University of Turku in Finland, where she expanded her research interest by applying her knowledge to the study of Asian elephants.

Dr Galante’s research interest revolves around the eco-evolutionary meaning of sex-specific maternal investment, particularly lactation, in relation to the availability of maternal resources and quality of the living environment.

Since her PhD, Dr Galante has been a very active member of the Society for Research in Human Milk and Lactation (ISRHML) and has established extensive collaborations across the world on several projects that entail the study of both human and elephant mothers and babies.

Areas Of Expertise

  • Early life nutrition
  • Maternal and infant health
  • Endocrinology
  • Breastfeeding
  • Reproductive health
  • Milk composition
  • Evolutionary biology
  • Data Analysis

Career Highlights

Teaching Interests

Dr Galante teaches on the BSc Health and Social Care programme and the MSc/PGDip in Public Health and health promotion.

Research Award Highlights Collaborations