Data Science Building External Facade
Professor Ashley Akbari

Professor Ashley Akbari

Health Data Science

Email address
Cellular Office - 306
Third Floor
Data Science Building
Singleton Campus


Ashley Akbari is a Senior Research Manager & Data Scientist at Swansea University, Health Data Research UK (HDR-UK) Wales & Northern Ireland , Administrative Data Research (ADR) Wales, Nuffield Family Justice Observatory (NFJO) Data Partnership & others. Ashley has experience of working on a variety of data linkage and research projects with a background in computing and various research disciplines which have evolved over time with his experience of working with anonymised data within SAIL Databank since 2008, as well as other data from the UK nations, and as part of projects with the NHS, government, policy and others. Ashley both delivers his own research as well as working with analysts and researchers in both the development and pursuit of their project’s and research, and supports their continued development and training, championing translation of research outcomes into policy across academia, government and the NHS.

Areas Of Expertise

  • Population Data Science
  • Population Health
  • Public Health
  • Epidemiology
  • Routine data & linkage
  • Structured Query Language (SQL)
  • Project and Programme Management
  • Agile project management

Career Highlights

Teaching Interests

Ashley has an interest in teaching and developing the next generation of data scientists and researchers through a mix of theory and practical opportunities, and supports and develops expertise through a mix of mediums including formal teaching, workshop settings and project delivery. Ashley also leads the organisation and delivery of the Population Data Science Internship programme which provides undergraduate and postgraduate students and opportunity to develop their skills through a funded placement during their summer break between academic years, becoming part of a world leading research team delivering and developing technical, research, and other research outcomes.

Research Collaborations