Dr Paolo Bertoncello

Dr Paolo Bertoncello

Associate Professor
Chemical Engineering

Telephone number

+44 (0) 1792 602408

Email address

Office - 203
Second Floor
Engineering North
Bay Campus
Available For Postgraduate Supervision


Paolo Bertoncello was appointed Lecturer in Chemical Engineering in the Department of Engineering at Swansea University in 2010. Prior to this appointment he spent seven years, as a postdoctoral researcher in several research institutions:

  1. The University of Texas at Austin (June 2003-June 2004)
  2. The University of Warwick (Aug. 2004- Sept. 2007)
  3. Dublin City University (Nov. 2007- Feb. 2010)

In 2004 he was the recipient of a prestigious and highly competitive Marie Curie Fellowship from the EU Commission, and he moved to the Unwin’s lab at the University of Warwick.

In 2008 he moved to the Forster’s group at Dublin City University through a Marie Curie Reintegration Grant and a DCU Research Fellowship.

In 2003, he received his PhD in Biophysics. PB’s research career has focused on combining functional materials with electrochemistry, and thin films technologies, especially the Langmuir-Blodgett method to fabricate polymeric/metal nanoparticles nanostructures for electrocatalytic energy and sensing applications.

Areas Of Expertise

  • Electrocatalysis
  • Biosensors
  • Electrochemistry
  • Thin films