Human Growth and Development
This module explores human growth and development (HG&D) over the life-course. It highlights why a sound knowledge and understanding of HG&D is essential for effective practice. Traditional approaches to understanding HG&D are explored. The Life Course Approach to HG&D is introduced as an example of a theoretical paradigm that is able to facilitate inter-professional dialogue. Key concepts such as `plasticity¿ and `personal agency¿, which help to describe HG&D phenomenon are considered. The implications for practice are integrated throughout the module.
Social Work in Practice 2
This module will build on the assessment skills of collecting, selecting and testing of information learned at Level 1 and introduce further themes. These include the importance of decision making in a variety of settings and the influence that time pressures can exert. Particular attention will be given to this from a Welsh perspective, in an interagency context, including the factors and processes that facilitate service integration, collaboration and partnership when working with other statutory agencies as well as independent and voluntary sector services. The module will also address the nature of both risk and harm that is associated with intervention in the lives of vulnerable individuals and groups. It will include practical exercises in the use of different approaches to assessment.
Traethawd Estynedig mewn Ymchwil Gwaith Cymdeithasol a Thystiolaeth ar gyfer Ymarfer
Mae'r modiwl hwn yn annog myfyrwyr i ddatblygu meddylfryd ymchwil ac yn eu paratoi ar gyfer ymarfer a gyfeirir gan dystiolaeth ar ffurf traethawd hir hunangyfeiriedig ar faes o ddiddordeb gwaith cymdeithasol. Bydd disgwyl i¿r myfyrwyr weithio¿n annibynnol gyda rhywfaint o arweiniad i gynhyrchu prosiect ymchwil achos bach (dull desg neu empirig) ar faes sy¿n berthnasol i gynulleidfaoedd yn y sector gofal cymdeithasol ac i ymarfer proffesiynol. Bydd goruchwyliwr yn cael ei glustnodi i bob myfyriwr i gefnogi eu dysgu ac i arwain eu hymchwil dros gyfnod y sesiwn academaidd. Ceir hefyd weithdai ymarferol yn edrych ar ysgrifennu¿r traethawd estynedig, a dulliau desg ac empirig o gasglu a dadansoddi data.