Postgraduate Academic Skills and Development
Consisting of an extra-curricular workshop series, this is a non-credit bearing academic skills and development module for postgraduate Psychology students. The workshop series will deliver useful information to help MSc students adapt, successfully transition, and thrive as postgraduate students at Swansea University. The workshop series will cover a range of topics to support students¿ academic, personal, and professional development.
Professional Development and Applications of Statistics and Research Methods (Joint Honours)
In this module, students will conduct a research study, which they will report in the form of a scientific paper. In addition, through weekly sessions with their Personal Academic Mentor, students will begin to consider their professional development. In these sessions, students will complete activities that will allow them to pursue the Career Development Course (CDC) provided by the Swansea Employability Academy.
Datblygiad Proffesiynol a Chymhwyso Ystadegau a Dulliau Ymchwil (Cyd-anrhydedd)
Yn y modiwl hwn, bydd myfyrwyr yn cynnal astudiaeth ymchwil, y byddant yn adrodd arni ar ffurf papur gwyddonol. Yn ogystal, trwy sesiynau pythefnosol gyda'u Mentor Academaidd Personol, bydd myfyrwyr yn dechrau ystyried eu datblygiad proffesiynol. Yn y sesiynau hyn, bydd myfyrwyr yn cwblhau gweithgareddau a fydd yn caniatáu iddynt ddatblygu cynllun gyrfa a nodi ffyrdd y gallant gael profiad defnyddiol. Yn y sesiynau hyn, bydd myfyrwyr yn cwblhau gweithgareddau a fydd yn caniatáu iddynt ddilyn y Cwrs Datblygu Gyrfa (CDC) a ddarperir gan Academi Cyflogadwyedd Abertawe.
Professional Development and Applications of Statistics and Research Methods
In this module, students will conduct two research studies, which they will report in the form of two scientific papers. In addition, through weekly sessions with their Personal Academic Mentor, students will begin to consider their professional development. In these sessions, students will complete activities that will allow them to pursue the Career Development Course (CDC) provided by the Swansea Employability Academy.
Datblygiad Proffesiynol a Chymhwyso Ystadegau a Dulliau Ymchwil
Yn y modiwl hwn, bydd myfyrwyr yn cynnal dwy astudiaeth ymchwil, y byddant yn adrodd arnynt ar ffurf dau bapur gwyddonol. Yn ogystal, fesul sesiynau pythefnosol gyda'u Mentor Academaidd Personol, bydd myfyrwyr yn dechrau ystyried eu datblygiad proffesiynol. Yn y sesiynau hyn, bydd myfyrwyr yn cwblhau gweithgareddau a fydd yn caniatáu iddynt ddatblygu cynllun gyrfa a nodi ffyrdd y gallant gael profiad defnyddiol. Yn y sesiynau hyn, bydd myfyrwyr yn cwblhau gweithgareddau a fydd yn caniatáu iddynt ddilyn y Cwrs Datblygu Gyrfa (CDC) a ddarperir gan Academi Cyflogadwyedd Abertawe.
Independent Research Project
Students conduct an independent research project under the supervision of a member of staff. The research topic is decided in conjunction with supervisors and Research topics. Students must design, conduct, analyse and write up a piece of research in order to achieve Graduate Basis for Chartership with the British Psychological Society (BPS). They must also complete an Ethical Considerations Form, showing that they have considered and resolved ethical issues relating to their project, and that they have implemented appropriate best practices for improving the reproducibility of their research.
Prosiect Ymchwil Annibynnol
Mae myfyrwyr yn cynnal prosiect ymchwil annibynnol dan oruchwyliaeth aelod o staff. Penderfynir ar bwnc yr ymchwil ar y cyd â goruchwylwyr a phynciau Ymchwil. Rhaid i fyfyrwyr ddylunio, cynnal, dadansoddi ac ysgrifennu darn o ymchwil er mwyn cyflawni Sail Graddedig ar gyfer Siarter gyda Chymdeithas Seicolegol Prydain (BPS). Rhaid iddynt hefyd lenwi Ffurflen Ystyriaethau Moesegol, gan ddangos eu bod wedi ystyried a datrys materion moesegol sy'n ymwneud â'u prosiect, a'u bod wedi gweithredu arferion gorau priodol ar gyfer gwella atgynyrchioldeb eu hymchwil.
Perhaps the biggest change to our lives in recent years is the increasingly widespread availability and use of the Internet. From buying clothes to hiring assassins via the dark web (or perhaps not), use of the Internet now forms part of our everyday lives, and many of us struggle to think of a life without it. What are the pros and cons of living our lives online? How does this affect us and how is our psychology changing in response to this new environment? This module looks to explore this evolving area of psychology.
Independent Research Project - Joint Honours
Students conduct an independent research project under the supervision of a member of staff. The research topic is decided in conjunction with supervisors and research topics. Students must design, conduct, analyse and write up a piece of research in order to achieve Graduate Basis for Chartership with the British Psychological Society (BPS). They must also complete an ethical considerations form, showing that they have considered and resolved ethical issues relating to their project, and that they have implemented appropriate best practices for improving the reproducibility of their research.
Prosiect Ymchwil Annibynnol - Anrhydeddau ar y Cyd
Mae myfyrwyr yn cynnal prosiect ymchwil annibynnol dan oruchwyliaeth aelod o staff. Penderfynir ar bwnc yr ymchwil ar y cyd â goruchwylwyr a phynciau ymchwil. Rhaid i fyfyrwyr ddylunio, cynnal, dadansoddi ac ysgrifennu darn o ymchwil er mwyn cyflawni Sail Graddedig ar gyfer Siarter gyda Chymdeithas Seicolegol Prydain (BPS). Rhaid iddynt hefyd lenwi ffurflen ystyriaethau moesegol, gan ddangos eu bod wedi ystyried a datrys materion moesegol sy'n ymwneud â'u prosiect, a'u bod wedi gweithredu arferion gorau priodol ar gyfer gwella atgynyrchioldeb eu hymchwil.