I obtained my PhD in 2009 from UPC-BarcelonaTech. During this period I received three awards from the European Association for Computational Methods in Applied Sciences, the Spanish Association for Computational Methods in Engineering and the publisher Birkhauser-Verlag for the best thesis in Spain and Europe. In 2009 I moved to Swansea, to work in the Zienkiewicz Centre for Computational Engineering as a post-doctoral research assistant. I became a lecturer in 2012, then promoted to senior lecturer in 2015, to associate professor in 2016 and to full professor in 2021. Since then, I have received a number of honours and awards from the publisher EMERALD, SIAM and the Welsh government.
I am the President of the UK Association for Computational Mechanics since 2019 and I also hold a number of positions in the European Association for Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and the International Association for Computational Mechanics.
Since 2022 I am Chief Editor of the European Journal of Computational Mechanics and external examiner for Cranfield University.
I am a fellow member of Advance HE (formerly the Higher Education Academy), fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications and chartered mathematician.